Saturday, February 26, 2011

Stanley's Dream

I am a champian of making other's feel guilty ~ it's my best trait.

Shut up sleuter...

The best weapons, are designed with an eye to fashion as well as function, i.e., "That bow looks like a dress."

Keep in mind, that we are talking about weapons.

I have no mind to reason with pedantics; I can only join the rodeo when it comes to town.

The timing between one thing and another, is such, that only you can find the refrences.

I just got that ~ a while ago...

What do you want?

"What is that song?"

"Nothing, that was just my text message sound."

Super Troopers ~ not to be confused with Abba.

"1980's synth bought from a yard sale last year,"

is not a full sentence.

can't end with that...



"Wake up Stanley."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Killing a milkjug

I just killed a milk jug.

It didn't do anything to me.

I just wanted it dead.  So I killed it.

I just killed a milk jug.

I filled it with water, so I could drink it.

I just killed a milk jug.

I liked it when I used to put it in my fridge, because it would be cold.

I just killed a milk jug.

I would drink it when I was drunk.

I just killed a milk jug.

It was nice, but then I put it in my freezer, and it became ice, and I loved it, but it was too awesome, and I had to destroy it, and nobody could stop the butt of my knife from smashing into its plastic hide.  Over and over again I proceeded to batter the milk jug, with its ice inards, until it conceeded, and had to forfeit its life to me...

I just killed a milk jug.

I can hear its ice inards melting in my sink now.  I have no remorse..  I would do it again...  that milk jug had it comin, I tell yah.  I don't fuck around,

I'm very sad now...


I don't have a milk jug for my water now *[ ..

Unfortunate, but nevertheless, perfect...

Because now,

I will travel for my water,


Design my will to accept the water that is given to me - unabashedly...

What is it that you understand?

In what I just said?




"Huh..."  is all I can say really, but I have a fast way of working things out - if you think that's appropriate for the sitch~u~way~shion...

No doubt.. You have no idea, but you are lost without proper direction > in most cases anyway = fuck all and never > less than \ besides the point + bottom line :-)

Hmm... ;{ strange it is how comunicate we do :/  but seems to be that we have found a new :-?    way to find ourselves in outer space ...~ # [     ]   {      }    &   why would we not find us out of place ... & $ ### * , but how could we not keep our pace ... {   }  but I can't face this waste ... ... ... and you find in distaste, the matter of the cast, that I have found at last, debattered and debast. I feel I could out last, any who could pass, my bitter fall to grass.  Nothing...

There is more...

But no more here...

Nothing left, but my bitter beer.

That I love so much, but I can't attend ~ the bitter end, to my favorite friend...

I love you much, and will miss you so.

I hope you know, because you know I know...

And when we find eachother I will see.

The way you look at the way I'm me.

And I wish I was, a little better at, making things real nice, as oposed to fucked and fat.

But I can't believe, everything I hear... and when it comes to you I don't know what I feel.

Crazy...  but I know you love me, and if you didn't then I would be dead already... PEACE... hahahahahahah...



If you are reading this...

Then I own you [mwhahahahahaha].

You are my property.

I will destroy you ~ if necessary... (got to go)

Stuff i think sometimes

I think that the armageddon is going to be when aliens come to earth and bang us ~ I mean, they haven't called or written anything to us for quite a while and I think that they should make good on their bond to make our love public and celebrated by all.  Although, the only problem with that is that they only know us by what they see on reality tv and the internet, and because of this they are already predisposed to eratic-erotic behavior, which basically means that they think that we...


I think that beer is really good once you get used to it, because you don't puke as much...

I think that...

Things that are much better being in the past than the present... (time warp)

I was just reading through my texts and I realized that I'm the bs friend, and that its my fault you don't want to talk to me, and not yours.  I feel like I'm being friendly at the time, but everything I say to you is a loaded statement ~ one that I wouldn't want to deal with either ~ prob why the majority of our convos are one way ~ I have to tell you this because I'm douchy like that, and all sensitive and shit, and because I care about what's left of our fucked up friendship (the friendship that I feel I fucked up).

Its just that... We were so cool, and now we're not... ~ kind of awkward and mean to each other as opposed to awesome with love for each other, and that makes me sad....

The biggest problem is that I don't know how to fix it, and the more I try, the more it's fucked. 

So I figure that I gotta put the whole thing on ice until I stop being affected by shit, and be honest to you about that being the case. 

So... if I'm cold to you, or ignor you, or am just generally weird... it's not because I hate you, ~ more likely it's that I don't know what else to do about you ~ plus ~ I can't handle it when you don't respond to me, so the only solution that puts me in control of myself is to not talk in the first place [btw ~ I'm pretty sure that i'll go a little crazy when you don't respond to this, but these are things that will make me crazy if I don't say them, so it's kind of a catch22].  It seems kind of stupid but I really don't know how else to handle things, so a no contact policy seems to be the only reasonable answer.

At least for now... until I can wrap my head around this shit...

I was just reading through my texts and I realized that I'm the bs friend, and that its my fault you don't want to talk to me, and not yours.  I feel like I'm being friendly at the time, but everything I say to you is a loaded statement ~ one that I wouldn't want to deal with either ~ prob why the majority of our convos are one way ~ I have to tell you this because I'm douchy like that, and all sensitive and shit, and because I care about what's left of our fucked up friendship (the friendship that I feel I fucked up).

Its just that... We were so cool, and now we're not... ~ kind of awkward and mean to each other as opposed to awesome with love for each other, and that makes me sad....

The biggest problem is that I don't know how to fix it, and the more I try, the more it's fucked. 

So I figure that I gotta put the whole thing on ice until I stop being affected by shit, and be honest to you about that being the case. 

So... if I'm cold to you, or ignor you, or am just generally weird... it's not because I hate you, ~ more likely it's that I don't know what else to do about you ~ plus ~ I can't handle it when you don't respond to me, so the only solution that puts me in control of myself is to not talk in the first place [btw ~ I'm pretty sure that i'll go a little crazy when you don't respond to this, but these are things that will make me crazy if I don't say them, so it's kind of a catch22].  It seems kind of stupid but I really don't know how else to handle things, so a no contact policy seems to be the only reasonable answer (meaning: you'll get less crazy texts).

At least for now... until I can wrap my head around this shit...

(At which point you will get even crazier texts, but in a good way as opposed to a weird and creepy way ~ peace:)

2 all the girls i've lov'd b4


I can't believe I'm actually doing this.  What is it that I'm doing exactly, you may ask.  Well... I'm not really going to tell you right out, but hey, you knew that already didn't you?

The truth is that it doesn't really matter.  The whole thing is just a hoax, intended to get you all riled up and distracted from the main point (which is?).  Which happens to be a more important issue than whatever you're stuck on right now.

The truth is that I just don't care ~ well...  that's not exactly true now is it.  What I mean to say is that I am impervious to caring.  My tough outer shell precludes me from having any strong emotions, minus a strong affinity towards conjecture and blatent libel, I am a rock of pure and unadulterated cold fire, that can't be broken, save for the most magnanimous series of tools and manipulation (huh?).

What say you, pond of still water?  Would you like to face the wrath of my rabbit fist?  ~ No???  Well... then I will find another to thwart thee in the game of life, because I'm a true playa (at least when all my pieces are on the game board).  I will use my powers for evil or good as my whim suits itself, and you, you better be wary of my vestigal ego, because its tail flicks violently in your direction. 

On many occasions I have tasted the blood of my enemies, and to say that you are worthy of my blood lust is quite foward indeed, but pure conjecture, at least as far as I am concerned in this particular circumstance.

Funny, but I don't quite get you my dear.  You are elusive and wild, and I have no time to tame.  You may yet get away, and for you to do so, would be a great success on your part, knowing full well that my tracking skills are second to none, you may get away, but only if I let you scamper off into the wilderness.

This is turning out to be a pretty elaborate conceit, and although I am adept at word play, I may fail at bringing this one to a head.

I have heard from you reader, in forms that you may or may not be aware of, and what I have heard is good ~ for the most part.  It seems that you enjoy these somwhat roundabout jaunts through my psyche, even though you only sometimes know what I am talking about.  Forget it for now, because you have yet to see the finished work - a masterpiece in progress ~ a meandering of meaning, continueously underscored with nonsensical musings.

Feminism is...

Somebody trying fuck the dick agressively.

Rules (more later)

1. You can't go from first contact to second contact w/o a little contact inbetween.

2. Apply the appropriate amount of pressure at the right time and you can get anything accomplished.